PVHC Expansion Mentor-Work Program for Bucks County Special Needs Youths
Dear Foundations Community Partnership,
My name is Katie Boswell and I am the Store Manager of the Warminster Starbucks Coffee Company. My District currently conduct interviews for prospective candidates on a monthly basis. We would love to have candidates that are part of the mentor/work program with Peace Valley Holistic Center interview with us when they are ready.
Starbucks interviews are behavioral interviews. This allows us to get to know the candidate, understand their goals, and get an idea of what experience they have, and how they handle situations. We are more than willing to give interview feedback to help with the learning process. If hired, these candidates would be welcomed into a great company that will support growth, continuous learning, and even offer full tuition for a four year college degree.
Thank you for your time and supporting PVHC with this amazing program.
Katie Boswell
aced structure.
Chef Earl Arrowood
I fully support the program. Young people who have profound ADHD and may not be able to manage college level foodservice or culinary training, yet get some initial training in a vocational technical school or the PVHC Work-Mentor Program could get the basic skills to begin a successful entry level employ.
I am hopeful that the grant funding and support will come through.
Earl R. Arrowood, Jr. CCC,CCE,FMP,AAC. M.Sc.Coordinator & Professor c/o Bucks County Community College Chef Apprenticeship & Culinary Arts Programs Business Department, 275 Swamp Rd. , Newtown, Pa. 18940
Middle Bucks Instite of Technology
Middle Bucks Institute of Technology is supporting PVHCs expansion workforce program for special needs children.
Chef Michael McCombe CEC, CCE, AAC
Neshaminy School District
In reference to the Peace Valley Holistic Center Expansion Mentor-Work Program for Bucks County Special Needs Youths. My name is John Rocco, and I am the primary special education teacher of the Neshaminy School District’s N.E.T.S. (Neshaminy Employability Transition Skills) transition program for 18–21-year-old special education students. Having the students of this program access the PVHC coffee shop work site to gain vocational experience would benefit them in numerous ways. It would allow them to practice the various skills needed for the workplace, such as customer service, money management, time management as well as learning how to work on a team. In addition to this, it would be actual retail job experience that they can put on a resume. This experience would continue to help my students develop the employability skills and life skills that will promote a smooth transition to adulthood. I hope that the Peace Valley Holistic Center’s Grant is approved as an Educational Improvement Program, because it would greatly expand and enhance the vocational opportunities for the students I currently serve.
John A. Rocco M.Ed. N.E.T.S., Special Education Teacher, Neshaminy School District